Enhancing Asian Studies Consultancy Group

The Enhancing Asian Studies Expert Consultancy Group currently consists of two project leaders, and continues the work of a number of former project members.

Project Leaders

Dr. Kammie Takahashi, original project member, and project leader 2023-24. Professor Takahashi teaches in Religion Studies and directs the Asian Studies Program at Muhlenberg College. Her research focuses on the history of tantric Buddhism, including the earliest forms of Tibetan Mahayoga in the ninth century, and more contemporary Shugendo communities in northeastern Japan. She also serves as Associate Dean of Academic Life.  

Dr. Karil Kucera, project leader 2023-24. Professor Kucera holds a joint appointment in Asian Studies and Art History at St Olaf College. Her research focuses on sacred sites with a specialization in China. As department chair and program director, she has helped build St Olaf’s Asian Studies Department over the past twenty years and currently is in her fifth year serving as Associate Dean of Interdisciplinary Studies. 

Former Project Members

Dr. Stephen Udry, project director 2019-23 . Professor Udry has traveled extensively throughout Asia, and has resided in Taiwan, where he taught English for five years. He also has visited China, Japan, Korea, Nepal, Tibet, and Thailand. 

Dr. Kan Liang, consultant and project member 2019-23. Emeritus Professor Liang taught East Asian history at Seattle University for over 25 years, where he founded the Asian Studies Program, directed the International Studies Program, chaired the History Department, and served as Associate Dean of College of Arts and Sciences for ten years. 

Dr. Sherry J. Mou, consultant and project member 2019-22. Director of Asian Studies at DePauw University, Professor Mou teaches Chinese literature, culture, and language in the Asian Studies Program. She has published books, articles, reviews, and translations in both English and Chinese on Chinese literature, pedagogy, and films.

Dr. Tinaz Pavri, consultant and project member 2019-23. Director of Spelman College’s Career Pathways Initiative, Professor Pavri teaches courses in Political Science, with a specialization in International Relations. Her area of interest is South Asia, and she has published numerous articles and books on globalization, gender and security issues in India. 

Dr. Scott Wilson, consultant and project member 2019-22. At Sewanee University of the South, as Associate Dean and now Assistant Provost for Global and Strategic Partnerships, Professor Wilson directs the Office of Global Citizenship and helps to lead globalization initiatives on campus. His research has shifted from his dissertation on village political economy to issues related to China and globalization. 

Dr. Ka Wong, consultant and project member 2020-2022. Professor of Chinese and Asian Studies at St Olaf College, Professor Wong also teaches in the applied linguistics program at St. Olaf College. His publications include two books and one edited volume, as well as works on language pedagogy, film, literature, art, and visual culture.
